"I hear the lub, but where is the dub?"
I just finished my last law school exam. I feel excited, but I don't feel any of the sadness I expected. (See here.)
My last exam didn't have the anti-climactic problem Brian D. had with his last class. It was an appropriate and fun class on which to end. And it was an all day exam. Even my last class wasn't really anti-climactic; maybe unclimactic or non-climactic in the sense that the situation lacked a climax, but not anti-climactic because it was not a boring or intolerable class.
It's possible this being basically the end of my education hasn't sunk in yet and that it won't until after graduation. It's also possible that it won't sink in until August rolls around and I don't have to be back in class. Either way, I'm not waiting for the other shoe to fall.
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