I guess it beats sticking your foot in a door
I got an e-mail the other day with a subject that sounded like a thinly veiled reference to porn: "The Blonde and the Sheep." Since I was checking my mail through Outlook I got the little preview of the message when I went to delete it, and I couldn't help but read the first sentence or so. Turns out it was indeed spam, but not for a porn site. The spammer had just decided to put a joke at the beginning of the message. It was a blonde joke, of course, and not a great one, but worthy of a chuckle. Since everyone could use a laugh, especially law students around finals, I decided to share. Unfortunately I deleted the document I copied the joke into, so I'll have to recreate it from memory. Enjoy.
There once was a blonde who was so tired of hearing blonde jokes and comments that she decided to dye her hair brown. A few days later she was driving through the countryside when she had to stop to let a flock of sheep cross the road. As she watched the animals, she became enchanted with them. She stepped out of her car to speak with the shepherd.
"Say, I have an idea," she said. "If I can guess the exact number of sheep you have, can I keep one?"
The shepherd thought for a minute and, being a gentleman, agreed to the deal the woman had proposed. The woman looked over the flock for a moment, then said for no apparent reason, "382." The shepherd looked at her shocked because she had guessed correctly, then told her to take her pick of sheep. The woman surveyed the flock for several moments, then chose the cutest and most playful one of all.
The shepherd smiled and said, "Okay, now I have a proposition for you. If I can guess your real hair color can I have my dog back?"
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