Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Make it stop!!

ThatWunWife dragged me shopping yesterday, a form of torture by itself. At one point I was sitting outside the fitting rooms waiting, when I heard one of the most horrible things ever over the store's sound system. The music in department stores isn't supposed to be great, I understand. It's just there to be gentle, soothing background noise that keeps you shopping. Something better than the low drone produced by the ventilation system and the mass of people. Sort of the same concept as not putting a clock in a store and limiting the number of clocks in a mall; get them to stay longer and they'll spend more. So anyway, a melody starts, soft and kind of tinkling. I think, Wait, I know this. A few notes later and I was in sheer agony. The song was "Everyday" by Buddy Holly (one of my many favorite artists; if you don't know the song or need a refresher you can click here and listen to the sample). The problem: It was the slowed down, sanitized, "elevator music" version. Painful. So very painful. But it got worse. No, seriously, it did. If you don't pay much attention, (and obviously, this musician hadn't) the song can sound kind of cheery and upbeat. If you haven't heard it, it is optimisitic, but it's still about unrequited love. So how does Mr. Keep Shopping, Everything is Fine choose to sing it? How else?! Bubblegum pop sickly sticky sweet! Yep. "I'm so happy that you don't love me yet and I'm here all alone with no one at all. Yep. So darn happy I could burst, by golly." EXCRUCIATING. Almost made me want to shop more if it meant avoiding that damn song.
Thinking about it again has upset me so much that I may just have to go home and break out the album to get it off my mind. Not sure why I didn't last night.


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